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Monday, April 19, 2010

The start to a whole new world

Follow my blog with bloglovin Today is the day.  I have been thinking about starting a blog for my own business for months now, but of course I have been so busy to just sit down and get it done. Or I just wasn't sure my business was going to take off.  But it has now taken off and I feel justified in sharing my experiences and photos.
Just last month I got to take all the pictures for the BV Auction at my son's school.  Now this was a great experience and it also taught me a lot.  I love taking pictures of kids, yeah families are great don't get me wrong, but KIDS they are just so real and once you get them to relax the joys of reality really shine through.  These are just a few of my favorites, but there are a lot more. . .

Aren't these boys just so cute?

Can you believe Miss M wanted nothing to do with Mr C that day.
Isn't this the cutest family?
These twins normally want nothing to do with each other. Thank goodness threats work.
This guy is just the too cute for words.
I just love brothers and sisters that like each other and get along.  It shows thru in the pictures.
The same with these brothers. 

As you can see I am just loving what I am doing and cannot wait to share more with you. 

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